Scheduler only

If OMD is used for scheduling only, the external system must provide mobile-relevant task attachments to inform OMD about changes. See Attachments for details.

The task must be provided in an unplanned status such as PL or OH. Then, the task will be scheduled within OMD, changing it’s status into IP. The ERP system will be informed about planning changes by receiving Move attachments. During the mobile life cycle outside of OMD, the ERP system must sent appropriate Task Attachments (see below). OMD will change the task status automatically from IP to OW, OS and finally to CL, CN or CO, according to the Task Attachments provided by the ERP system.

Although all sub-types can be interesting for informational purposes, pure planning will only require a limited subset of attachment subtypes.


Start of the Day, Go, Go Revoked, On Site, Closed, Canceled, Back to Planner, End of the Day, New Estimate, Move Request, Parts Delivered, Alter State

Items Planned are required in case OMD is bound to calculate the estimate duration of a task based on planned items.


Move, Note, Call, Canceled, KPI

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