Move Request

A client can request OMD to replan a task to another date and time within the planning. OMD will then reschedule the task and normalize the related trip(s). Exceptions such as overlaps with existing planned tasks are explicitly accepted.

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 1, which means text no 1
subType The sub-type of this attachment, being moveRequest no moveRequest
content The new day and resource. An empty value indicates that the task should be unplanned. no 2014-10-16 10:00:00,1013
format Indicates if the date and time for the new planning should be fixed. The value fixed indicates that the move request is related to a fixed appointment. yes fixed

When using an external mobile application, this attachment must be provided to OMD by the Mobile App to finalize the trip KPI attachment. In this case, the attachment is an inbound attachment.

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