Upload Restrictions

Uploading large amounts of data will decrease overall performance. Hence, it is advised to keep postings small in size. On the other hand, sending small requests too frequently may slow down the interface.

OMD expects interfaces to only send data once. It is o.k. to send entity data again if the entity has changed. However, sending unchanged entities on a regular basis will cause the sending account to be blocked.

In general, storage in OMD Go and on mobile devices is limited. therefore, external systems must make sure that irrelevant data such as empty translations or obsolete product/task type relationships is not sent to OMD. It is expected that connectors filter out any non-required data beforehand.

Each individual posting to OMD Go is limited in size, the maximum amount of bytes being 10 MB by default.

Note that accounts may get blocked temporarily if they exceed their quota.

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