
Breaks are used to block the availability of resources. Examples are Vaction, Training, Illness.


Attribute Description
id* The value identifies the internal code of the break, often a unique integer value. Although this attribute is generally optional, it is required if breaks are updateable through the application.
version The version of the object. Versions change with every update of the database record.
startDateTime* The starting date and time, when the break starts.
endDateTime* The end time of the break. The duration of a break is defined by endDateTime - startEndTime. It is possible that the duration is longer than a day. A time portion of 00:00 identifies the break as an unavailability for the entire day.
description A description of the break. This information is optional. It is displayed in the Gantt chart. For batch scheduling, this information is not used.
postalCode* The postal code of the location of the break. If the location would be unknown, the engine would not know how long it would take the resource to arrive at the break location and how long it would take to travel to the next task. Therefore, the location is mandatory in order to allow the planning engine to calculate a route that is reasonable. The postal code is a very important part of the location information.
province The state or province identifier of the resource's address. States or provinces are not always used, but are frequently used in countries such as the United States.
street The street of the location of the break.
city The city or village name of the location. This information is optional, but very useful to validate the geocode of the break location.
country The country identifier for the break location. This information is used whenever organizations have resources/teams that cross country borders. Otherwise, the street, postal code and city name are sufficient to identify the location. Country codes are usually an abbreviation of the country name, i.e. BE for Belgium, NL for the Netherlands or DE for Germany. Please refer to the documentation of the Time Distance Module (TDM) for a complete list of supported country codes.
geocode The geocode is a (x,y) coordinate for a location. Usually, the geocode is determined by OMD Go and does not have be provided by the interface. Delivering the coordinate with the break may result in small perfomance gains due to less geocode processsing.
breakType The type of the break, for example, Holiday, Training, Illness, Leave.
chargeTo The account to which to charge this break to, for example, Employee or Company.
replicated This flag indicates whether the break has been replicated from another datasource. Replicated breaks are not updateable by the application itself.
messagesConfirmed This field is used to store an array of bits, represented by an integer value. Each bit of the integer correponds to a message that has been either confirmed by the user or not. Depending on the planning situation, flags may be reset. Message confirm flags for breaks exist for warnings such as overlaps with other fixed appointments.

Note that during upload, a Resource element must be embedded into a Territory element. Break elements must be embedded into the Resource element. Breaks can be deleted with this API.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <omd.domain.Configuration id="123456">
    <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="TEAM A">
      <omd.domain.s4.Resource id="12">
        <omd.domain.s4.Break id="AHC94874" breakType="Vacation" startDateTime="2024-04-03 08:00" endDateTime="2024-04-03 20:00" />

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