Outbound Data

The following chapters describe web requests used to retrieve new attachment data related to tasks of a configuration.

It is advised to download the attachments into a temporary table first before processing them. This will also allow for a check if the listed attachments have already been downloaded before.

Starting from 15 May 2019, Gateway requests are only responded to if the requested time window does not span more than 60 minutes.

Queries with a time window larger than 60 minutes will be refused. You must check your interfaces to guarantee gateway queries remain within this limit. Note that the limit is also applied when re-integrating after a downtime of either your or OMD's interface components.

In case the downtime of either component is larger than 60 minutes, the interface must request all unsuccessful time windows first, before applying the regular interval again. Requesting a time frame from before the downtime up to the current time will not work if it is larger than the limit.

The response to the request will contain a new error message "[The requested time-frame of [x] minutes exceeds the allowed maximum of 60 minutes]", in case the time limit was exceeded in a gateway query request. The result set in the response will be empty.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""