Go Revoked

While on the way to a customer, a mobile worker can decide to drive to another customer first. The mobile worker will be asked whether the Go to the first customer needs to be rebooked. In that case, a new attachment with subtype onTheWayRevoked will be added to the former task and the new task will change to onTheWay. Mileage entered on the first Go will be rebooked to the new task. This type of attachment is not visible to ERP systems.

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 4, which means event no 4
subType The sub-type of this attachment, being onTheWayRevoked no onTheWayRevoked

Note that a transition from On The Way back to Planned must be defined in order to change the status of the former task back into Planned.

When using an external mobile application, this attachment must be provided to OMD by the Mobile App to update the task status. In this case, the attachment is an inbound attachment.

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