
This outbound task attachment is used to let ERP systems know about the fact that the Field Worker has closed the task. The timestamp of this event will determine the actual duration of the task. It may also trigger a servicesheet being sent to the customer's e-mail address.

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 4, which means event no 4
subType The sub-type of this attachment, being closed no closed
reference Optionally, a follow-on code is provided. The provided code is a Reason for Disruption with a specific follow-on type. The related task is closed, but requires some internal follow-on, for example, a revisit on the same day for picking up material. yes FOLLOW-SD
format In case of collective task it will contain the id of the leading task of the collection. yes 2678290
processFlow This attribute may contain the value rebook, indicating that the task has been used as a lead task when opening a collection, but the related service object was refused. The value is only filled for scenarios where the preference createRebookTask is false and each task relates to a single service object. yes rebook

Note that the timestamp of this event can be retrieved by reading the createdOn column as described above.

The geocode stored along with this attachment is considered the location of the customer's site and may be used for future reference.

When using an external mobile application, this attachment must be provided to OMD by the Mobile App to update the task status. In this case, the attachment is an inbound attachment.

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