Resource Work Patterns


Attribute Type Description
resource+ Resource Resource reference.
workPattern+ WorkPattern Work pattern reference.
validFrom* Date Starting date of validity.
validTo* Date Ending date of validity.
city String City of departure address for trips during validity.
country String Country of departure address for trips during validity.
geocode String Geocode of departure address for trips during validity.
postalCode String Postal code of departure address for trips during validity.
province String Province of departure address for trips during validity.
street String Street of departure address for trips during validity.
arrivalCity String City of arrival address for trips during validity.
arrivalCountry String Country of arrival address for trips during validity.
arrivalGeocode String Geocode of arrival address for trips during validity.
arrivalPostalCode String Postal code of arrival address for trips during validity.
arrivalProvince String Province of arrival address for trips during validity.
arrivalStreet String Street of arrival address for trips during validity.
timeZoneWorkingHours String The time zone in which the working hours are to be interpreted. The value needs to comply with ISO-8601.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <omd.domain.Configuration id="123456">
    <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="TEAM A">
      <omd.domain.s4.Resource id="12">
        <omd.domain.s4.ResourceWorkPattern workPattern="Standard" validFrom="2023-02-01" validTo="2024-01-31"/>

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