Master Data - Resources

Master data replicated to OMD must be posted to the Upload context:

XML Documents posted to this URL must follow the data model structure of OMD. The root element is named Upload, followed by the Configuration element. All configuration-specific elements can be uploaded within the Configuration element. These elements themselves may contain dependent entities again. It is up to the implementing party to send XML documents with cascading elements or individual XML documents per entity class. However, XML documents per entity class must at least contain an enclosing element for each parent within the OMD data model, even though this parent element must only contain the identifier of the entity.

Remember that, when posting entity data of which it is clear that OMD must never update the data, the version attribute must not be part of the posted XML element. This will overrule the OMD Version Control mechanism and allows external systems to overrule the content in OMD.

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