Inventory Items

Whenever the ERP system is the leading warehouse system, all inventory changes relevant to the mobile worker’s stock must be posted to OMD. OMD expects a full update of the inventory item entry, containing a reference to the resource, the product and the current amount of the product in stock. If the item exists, the new amount will be updated in OMD. If the item does not exist, it will be created automatically.


Attribute Description
product* The code of the product of the inventory item.
resource* The unique identifier of the resource for which the inventory item is defined. In an XML structure, the attribute can be abandoned, since the parent node already represents the Resource (see below).
quantity* The current amount of the inventory item.
reorderLevel The reorder level of the inventory item. Indicating the level at which the product should be re-ordered. Note that re-order level may differ per resource.
reorderQuantity The amount for re-orders. Note that re-order quantities may differ per resource.


The following XML document structure can be used to insert or update an inventory item of a certain resource.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <omd.domain.s4.Territory name="Team A">
      <omd.domain.s4.Resource externalId="Marc">
        <omd.domain.s6.InventoryItem product="1450" quantity="15" reorderLevel="5" reorderQuantity="10"/>
                <omd.domain.s6.InventoryItem product="1452" quantity="7" reorderLevel="3" reorderQuantity="8"/>

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