Task Icons

Depending on the status of a task, different icons may appear on the task's activity screen. Additionally, one may hide or unhide icons, possibly depending on the process flow of a task. The following table shows the list of icons that are available for configuration. Additional icons related to specific functionality are discussed further below.

The call icon allows mobile workers to initiate the phone call activity with a push on a button. The telephone information on a task may contain several phone number entries, optionally including the name of the contact. For example,

<Tom Jones>01 3496 734,<Marvin Higgins>01 3496 732

identify two different contact persons.

The mobile worker will be presented with the list of names or phone numbers if the names are not specified. Once chosen, the contact's phone number will be passed on to the device's phone activity.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean true false + +

All task-related detail information is gathered in attachments, both inbound and outbound. Read the "OMD Attachment Reference Guide" for details. To turn the visibility of the attachments button off, set the showDocumentsIcon to false.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean true false + +

The map icon allows mobile workers to activate the device's mapping facilities to show the customer's location on the map. To disable the icon, set the showMapIcon preference to false.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean true false + +

The location icon allows mobile workers to relocate the task to a different geographic coordinate. Tapping on that icon displays a map. If the current task has a geocode, this map contains a marker at that coordinate. A hair-cross on the screen can be used to point to a diverging position. When a new position is chosen, it is immediatly stored with the task and will be reported to the OMD cloud as relocate task attachment, as soon as the device has an internet connection. To enable the icon, set the showRelocateIcon preference to true.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + -

Mobile workers can pause a task by clicking the Pause icon. Paused tasks can be resumed by pressing the resume button. The pause is taken into account during KPI calculation.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + +

The Details icon contains all task details and itemsPlanned the mobile worker has to consider on site. This preferences allows to show or hide the details icon.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + +

The NoService icon allows to cancel a task or send it back to the planner. This preference allows to show or hide the icon.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + +

Setting this preference to true allows the mobile worker to directly jump into the Acceptance/Signature screen after pressing onSite.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + +

The Attachment Totals screen is available when the process flow preference showTotalsIcon is true.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Boolean false true + -

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