Appendix I - Icon Scopes

This appendix summarizes the scope of task-related icons in OMD Mobile. There are eight possible states of scope: planned, onTheWay, backToPlanner, onSite, signed, closed, canceled and onTheWayRevoked.

Icon Name Description Scope
Call Initiate the phone call activity All states
Task Details Open the task-related detail information All states
Go Triggers the moment of final assignment planned, onTheWayRevoked
On Site Mark the arrival at the task's location planned, onTheWay, onTheWayRevoked
Map Allows mobile workers to activate the device's mapping facilities All states
Notes Allows mobile workers to create notes All states
No Service Allows mobile workers to cancel a task onSite
Navigation Allows mobile workers to activate the device's navigation onTheWay
BarCode Allows mobile workers to scan a barcode and retrieve the code of the product onSite, signed (in some cases)
Camera Allows mobile workers to capture images with the device's camera onSite, signed
Form Allows mobile workers to create related-tasks form onSite
Attachment Contains the task-related detail information All states
Material Usage Allows mobile workers to add materials to the task onSite
Additional Repair Allows mobile workers to add materials, that are used for the repair of an unforeseen model onSite
Spare Parts Allows mobile workers to mark materials that are used as spare parts onSite
Material Request Allows mobile workers to make a material request onSite
Usage / Request Allows mobile workers to add materials to the task or to make a material request onSite
Signature Opens a page where the mobile worker or the customer can create a signature onSite
Finished Mark the task as finished signed, onSite (in some cases)
Follow On Mark the task as finished and go on with the followOn-task signed, onSite (in some cases)
Printer Allows the mobile worker to print a document signed, closed
Plan Allows the mobile worker to plan or replan tasks. unplanned, planned, onTheWay, onTheWayRevoked
Pause Allows the mobile worker pause a task. onSite
Play Allows the mobile worker resume a task. onSite
RFID Allows the mobile worker to start an RFID scan. onSite

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