
This task attachment contains a document. The document is either created by the ERP system (Inbound) or within OMD (Outbound). An example for a document created by OMD is the service sheet that may be generated automatically after the task has been finished.

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 5, which means document no 5
subType The sub-type of this attachment, being document no document
content The document content itself. If binary content, The name of the document. yes servicesheet
binaryContent The binary content of the document. In XML, the binary content is Base64-encoded. When stored in the Gateway's queue table, the binary content is stored in a BLOB field. yes 0xFFD8DEE0130104A367...
format The MIME type of the document no application/pdf
size The size of the document no 18957
extra The URL of the document in case it is not provided as binary data. In that case, the binaryContent field is empty. yes
reference Optional information about the report. The reference tripSummary is used to indicate information that must be shown to the mobile worker after Start of the Day. See the Mobile Configuration Guide for more details. yes internal

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