
A number of tasks in OMD can be grouped to handle them together in a timely sequence or per resource. Groups of tasks are identified by task-groups and sub-groups. Whenever an action is taken within OMD, in order to connect or disconnect a task to a group or sub-group, a task attachment can optionally be created, which indicates this action to the ERP.

Attribute Description Optional Example
attachmentType The type of this attachment. Needs to be 1, which means "text". no 1
subType The sub-type of this attachment is "group". no group
format The action that took place. The value can either be "connect", for the corresponding connect- or set-action, or "disconnect", for a disconnect- or remove-action" no connect
reference The ID of the task-group. yes Customer-123_Maintenance-Task-456
content The ID of the sub-group. yes Sub-Task-001

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