
To enable bi-directional communication between OMD Cloud and OMD applications such as OMD Mobile and OMD Coordinator, the Push channel must be enabled.

There are the following options for push-notification communications:

  • MQTT

STOMP (TCP Sockets) is the foundation for the standard implementation on OMD Mobile for Android, while communications can also be switched to MQTT. For the OMD Mobile HTML5 client, only MQTT is available.

MQTT (TCP+SSL/TLS or Secure Websockets) must be accompanied by some cloud-side administrative pre-requisites. Consult the MQTT Configuration Guide to setup the connection preferences for the MQTT broker, allowing mobile clients to receive Push messages.

To enable MQTT for client apps, at least the settings

  • mqttHost
  • mqttUsername
  • mqttPassword
  • mqttPort (only for the HTML5 client)

must be defined.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String omd-mobile-android - + -

The mqttClientIdPrefix process flow preference defines the name of the client-type, receiving notifications.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String <none> m21.cloudmqtt.com + +

The mqttHost process flow preference defines the host-name of the MQTT-broker, providing notifications.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String www sb + +

The mqttInstance process flow preference defines the type of environment-type of the OMD configuration.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String ssl tcp + -

The mqttProtocol process flow preference defines the communications protocol, when the client connects to the MQTT-broker. The OMD Mobile Android client technically can use (unencrypted) tcp or ssl, but should use ssl, for security reasons.

Note: the OMD Mobile HTML5 client will always use wss, while (unencrypted) ws is not supported.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Integer 27935 17935 + -

The mqttTCPPort process flow preference defines the MQTT-broker's port, the client connects to. For ssl, this usually is 27935, but can be 17935 for (unencrypted) tcp. Note that unencrypted communication is discouraged.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
Integer <none> 37935 - +

The mqttPort process flow preference defines the MQTT-broker's port, the client connects to. For wss, this usually is 37935.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String <none> my-companys-broker-user-name + +

The mqttUsername process flow preference defines the user-name of the client app, when connecting to the MQTT-broker. The user-name must be registered on the broker, and every company (OMD customer) should have at least one MQTT user. Note: this is not an OMD user!

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String <none> - + +

The mqttPassword process flow preference defines the MQTT user's password, when connecting to the MQTT-broker.

Type Default Value Example Android HTML 5
String true false + -

If MQTT communication is configured, then the flow preference mqttAsyncClient defines, whether the mobile client uses an asynchronous client.

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