Other Algorithms


Processes all contracts that are still valid but have no task defined for the specific time frame.

Property Description Default Example
margin The default margin in case a time frame is not defined on a contract line. 14 20
limit The limit in days up to which visits can be created. 50 60


Purge obsolete data.

Property Description Default Example
entity The name of the entity that is to be purged. Must match one of the following values: Track, TaskAttachment, Break, Task, DeletedObject, PostedDocument. N/A Task
days The number of days the entity must have passed in terms of age. 0 14
chunkSize The maximum number of items deleted in a single transaction. 100 50


Purge or update entity objects from the domain model, following a hierarchy from a server-side provided structure-file.

Property Description Default Example
structure The name of a structure-file, to be found in the structures subdirectory of the default or the configuration-specific directory in the server's content folder. N/A purgeTerritories.xml
chunkSize The maximum number of items, processed in a single transaction. 100 50

The structure defines a hierarchy of domain entities to traverse, while purging or updating data. The ID of every object is provided during data retrieval operations as :parentId parameter, while iterating it's children. The root element is expected to be of the type omd.domain.Configuration.

Supported attributes for elements in the structure:

  • purge sets the type of purge:
    • YES (equals DELETE, which is the default) delete all matching objects
    • NO don't delete or update, just use matching objects for navigation to other children.
    • UPDATE update attributes of matching objects, as defined in assign, attributes, attribute and value.
  • namedQuery | nativeQuery | jpqlQuery defines a query for selection of object IDs from the entity.
    • Use the :parentId bind parameter to select related children in a named or JPQL query, or define a diverging parameter name in the attribute bind. A native query is expected to provide one bind parameter ? to receive the parentId.
    • If this attribute is omitted, then the entity is expected to provide a named query, by the name of selectIdFlat.
  • bind sets an alternative name for a parentId parameter in a named or JPQL query.
  • assign contains the set-clause expression(s), in case of purge="UPDATE". Multiple assignments must be separated by a comma.
  • attributes defines a comma-separated list of entity attributes to update, in case of purge="UPDATE".
  • attribute defines one single entity attribute to update, in case of purge="UPDATE".
  • values defines a value to set all entity attributes, or the single entity attribute to, in case of purge="UPDATE". If omitted, then the specified attributes are set to null.

If assign is defined, then attributes, attribute and value are ignored. All information in these attributes must comply to the JPQL spec, i.e. valid names of entity attributes must be used (not DB columns), and only valid JPQL assignments are allowed.

For good performance, usage of native queries and inner joins might be worth to consider, to ensure a predictable execution plan and to keep the traversed structure flat. Otherwise, discrete traversal is performed on every single matched ID.


Run Jasper Report to generate a report within a job. The report will be attached to an email.

Property Description Default Example
name The name of the report. The report must exist in either the configuration-specific or default configuration folder (server-side). N/A Daily.japser
to A comma-separated list of recipients to which the email is sent. N/A you@org.org
cc A comma-separated list of recipients to which the email is sent in CC. someone@org.org
bcc A comma-separated list of recipients to which the email is sent in BCC. someonelse@org.org
subject The subject line of the email. Our Daily Report
body The body text of the email. someonelse@org.org
filename The name of the file attached to the email. Report Sales Overview
MIME_TYPE The mime type of the report. application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (XLSX)

Cheapest Insert

CheapestInsert is a planning algorithm on basis of a set of tasks. It determines the best option for every task and inserts the task accordingly. The tasks can be compiled by a task selector (e.g. the SLASelector). The best options can be limited by optional Date- and ResourceSelectors, and further constraints can be set by the following properties:

Property Description Default Example
maxSeconds Limit the time [sec] for searching for the best option. The value -1 means: limited by the planning horizon. -1 1
checkSkills Take resource- and task-skills into account. cfg. setting UseSkills true
checkTerritory Only resources of the same territory are taken into account. cfg. setting AcceptTerritoriesIsHard true
checkRequiredResource Only the resource in the requiredResource field of the task is used. cfg. setting checkRequiredResource true
extraOvertime Extend overtime [min] for finding an option. 0 20
abort Abort on all hard constraint violations. true false

results matching ""

    No results matching ""